The Hyp’Rscope: 08/12 — A “Winter is Coming” kinda Full Moon in Aquarius

This full moon has completely disrespected my boundaries…

Nyhir'Vana Rho Ophiuchi
18 min readAug 13, 2022
Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

(Read the complete breakdown of the energy, then teleport over to your sign’s forecast!)

On August 10th, The moon was its at perigee, meaning it was the closest to the Earth appearing super huge in the sky. A closer moon means a more potent Full Moon the night right after. That night being tonight. (August 11/12) When you breakdown and think about a Full Moon in opposition to the Sun in Leo, the Sun signifying life, because without the Sun nothing grows and life doesn’t progress. It also represents our essence, authority, our free will, divine purpose and the life force that animates our spirit. And then you have on the opposite end the Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius symbolizing the people. The moon also symbolizes the people of a nation in Mundane Astrology. (A branch of Astrology that looks at of cities, and countries, and world events) This particular Full Moon is conjunct Saturn. One of the representations of Saturn in Traditional Astrology is the “Grim Reaper.” There’s also the common mythos about Cronus -being the greek equivalent of the Roman god of time Saturn- who ate his own children. With Saturn so close to the full moon this also means Saturn is in opposition to the sun and Leo and that speaks to a feeling of powerlessness.

Opposition —


An aspect of 180 degrees. Its influence depends on the energies of the planets involved. The opposition is an aspect of tension and is considered to be the second most powerful aspect after the conjunction. By this the opposition places special emphasis on the principle of polarity. A basic example of this is the masculine energy of the sun being 180 degrees opposite the feminine energy of the moon, creating the “Full Moon” phenomenon.

You’re trying to find joy but there’s something in the way of it. A complete breakdown of your mental health, your emotional needs not being met, again the exhaustion from just everything happening in society and everything that’s been thrown at us since Saturn went into Aquarius. People are making irresponsible decisions that affect the group or the community. What’s interesting is that as of late, there have been several instances where people are choosing to end their lives, but are taking their children down with them. This tragic case in particular caught my attention. An Oklahoma City man livestreams before he kills himself and his children. A major correlation to the current Astrology, specifically this opposition (The sun opposite the moon in the sky creates a full moon) with Leo ruling children and also fathers.

Clip of Oklahoma man’s livestream

A 2020 finale; The Last Full Moon in Aquarius?

Saturn is the very last planet that you can see with the naked eye and this suggests that everything beyond Saturn is not really accessible to our immediate consciousness, and is on a different plane if you will. So in that respect, we could say that Saturn is like the last frontier, the boundary between life and death, which could be said for one of the reasons it’s associated with the reaper. It’s where we approach the finality of the structures of our reality, and everything beyond it is no longer in the physical world. By my observations, the Moon’s light seems to be revealing the emotional state of people and it doesn’t seem to be in a good place at all. With the moon in Aquarius representing humanity making a conjunction to Saturn,

Conjunction —


When a planet or point is in the same sign within an orb of 10 degrees from another planet or point in the same sign. This creates a blending or a melding of energies that is inseparable and difficult to differentiate which energy is doing what. The closer the orb to 0, the more exact and more powerful the conjunction. The conjunction is the strongest aspect. Its influence strongly depends on the energies of the planets involved.

people can succumb to their depression under this energetic influence. Humanity has reached the peak of emotional fortitude. We’re at our wit’s end and I think the light from the sun in Leo reflected by the moon in Aquarius is exposing this and showing the fatigue that we’ve all been under since Saturn first went into Aquarius. Since 2020, every prominent moon transit in Aquarius came with some weight due to Saturn taking its time in Aquarius, and some of them made conjunctions, which is like the normal energy served with a shot of testosterone. This, is the last full moon that we will have in the sign of Aquarius while Saturn is in Aquarius, which it has been transiting since March of 2020 and will exit Aquarius in early 2023. This full moon can bring a completion of some sorts to long standing issues personally and collectively. Remember, Saturn being the archetype of the reaper, we can be reaping what we have sown within these last two years.

Here you can see Saturn’s shift from Capricorn to 0° Aquarius late March 2020

Chiron wants to help.

A harmonious Trine aspect is being formed with the Sun and Chiron which is currently in Aries.

Trine —


An aspect of 120 degrees between two planets. It is considered to be a harmonious aspect. Planets that form a trine to each other usually stand in the same element (fire, air earth, water) but in a different quality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable) The trine encompasses one third of the zodiac circle and is therefore often associated with the divine number 3 in number mysticism. It appears to be a cosmic gift in the horoscope.

Leo and Aries both of the Fire element suggests that if we are creative, there is a type of healing that our self-expression can give us. There looks to be some form of healing in channelling your energy through a creative outlet but with all these Squares going on in the chart which we will talk about next, it’s almost like this Sun, Chiron trine is more about wounds being exposed and unfortunately, being unable to process them in a healthy way. I also think about irreversible damages to identity that make it difficult to rediscover joy in life, our individuality, our resilience, fight and will. The full moon however is also forming a sextile to Chiron and quincunx (or inconjuction) to the south node in Scorpio, so there’s an opportunity to release some of the darker psychological grips on your life and in doing so, can free you from addictions and vices, traumas of the past, and personal demons.

Sextile —


An aspect in which two planets are separated by an angle of 60 degrees.
The sextile is a “halved trine” and is considered to be a major harmonious aspect. The planets involved usually stand in signs which are naturally complementary (fire and air or water and earth)

The symbol of Chiron looks like a key,

The symbol of the Comet/Asteroid “Chiron”

and if you break it apart, it consists of the letters “O” and “K.” Chiron is known as the wounded healer and a tough energy to deal with, but in order to be “OK” with that wound you feel shameful, awkward or guilty about; we gotta dive deep and unroot what is causing all that pain or else, we end up too far gone like the man in Oklahoma.

Chiron giving us an opportunity of healing with a Sextile to the moon, a Trine to the Sun, and an Inconjunction to the South node ☋

The Quincunx and the Square

The dynamics of an quincunx -informally referred to as inconjunct/inconjunctions by Astrologers- in Mars ruled signs like Aries and Scorpio is like, “I know I have to fight, I know the only way is for me to overpower the enemy” but how do we go about doing that? Do we move with the yang force of Aries or do we power our way with Scorpio tactics, using our yin of our psychic intuitions. What is our angle and how do you even find the motivation when it seems all hope is lost and you’ve only known defeat. How do we reignite the passionate Martian flame that can help us overcome the foe and come out the victor?

Quincunx/Inconjunct —


An aspect of 150 degrees between two planets. The quincunx is thought to be one of the most important minor aspects. The quincunx is classified neither as a harmonious nor as an aspect of tension. It indicates potential that is difficult to realize. In contrast to the square or opposition it doesn’t usually feel like a significant source of tension, demanding action.

The North Node

This full moon is really disrespectful. It’s ruled by the modern ruler Uranus and the traditional ruler Saturn. So you have the Uranus, the modern ruler of this full moon with Mars(the planet of violence and conflict) and also with the North Node☊, all directing their energy back at the full moon’s traditional ruler, Saturn, via a square aspect. Yikes, if you need to, reread that again and just take in what a messy energy exchange between the planets this is.

Square —


An aspect of 90 degrees between two planets.
A square is considered to be a powerful aspect of tension. The planets involved are usually in signs of the same quality (both cardinal, both fixed, or both mutable) but of different elements (fire, air earth, water)

The North Node☊ has a very insatiable energy. It will virtually stop at nothing to acquire the experiences and the treasures of the sign it’s in. It’s a very greedy, horny, ambitious, accident prone, freshman or rookie wanting to be the champion energy, with the imagery of the dragon’s head without a body, devouring endlessly but unable to be satiated. Mars, our actions and where we exert our energy currently in Taurus has very weak essential dignity because it’s in a Venus ruled sign. This can make for someone that is motivated by money, someone that is a natural poet. Very charming, fair and graceful in the way they deal with others but for Mars, that’s annoying! Mars wants to get to the point. Mars wants to win or die trying with honour, and could care less about the arrangement of bouquet of flowers at the funeral or who even shows up. Mars in Taurus is ultimately is about the unwavering passion in the pursuit to find more security, stability, peace, and beauty but Saturn says “no!” You can’t do it in the old corrupt way because its poisoning society. You must all find a different way together. Saturn in Aquarius says you can’t have a lot of money, while other people, your fellow human brothers and sisters have nothing. You can’t do all the Venusian things you want ignorantly blissful, so I, Saturn am putting you on a “time out”, severely limiting and taking away the basic necessities that you need to survive. I will force you to come together in unity and find another way before you destroy yourselves. And this frustrates Mars, who is solo-dolo, and selfish as fuck. The frustration with Mars during this full moon cycle is to the point where Uranus can acts as a powder keg enabling Mars to be very reckless and act extremely volatile, while all of this is super charged by the North node in close proximity that will tempt Mars with whispers “Winter ain’t coming, you are the winter. Don’t take no for an answer.” It’s like the situation of: “dude, she doesn’t want you, stop thinking with your…friend… down there and get a clue. You’re out of your league.”

This full moon highlights a Grand Cross between fixed sign energy. So in essence, this is like a more powerful version of the Square aspect that I talked about. It reveals what people do when they are up against a wall, some people are struck with continuous creative bouts of genius ideas that they can hardly maintain a healthy sleeping pattern. Others glitch out, being led by a surge of primitive behaviour and bang their heads against the wall, somehow registering this in their minds as significant progress.

Let’s take a look at how the Super Full Moon in Aquarius’s energy will affect your sign?

The Full Moon in Aquarius takes place on Friday August 12, 2022 at 01:35 GMT *Adjust for your time zone as this will change the date and time of the celestial event*

Disclaimer: I am a western Astrologer and I’m using the “Whole Sign house system” for these Hypr’scope (horoscope) forecasts.

Disclaimer 2: Also read your Moon sign, this will give you not only the external manifestions of the energy with the Rising and Sun signs, but also your internal insight and perception of the energy.

Disclaimer 3: How to read your Hypr’scope.

*Note, the red star will indicates the position of your rising sign of the horoscope forecast. It is in the same spot for all signs. There are two black circles of focus. The 1st circle with numbers 1–12 and the 3rd circle, where you will experience this full moon’s energy.

(Read or listen to both your Rising & Sun sign, as well as your Moon sign Hypr’scopes for the complete insight on the energy)

Aries Rising (and Aries Sun)

Hey Aries, welcome to your Full Moon Hypr’scope! This full moon is occurring in your 11th House of social networks, future goals and humanitarian pursuits. It looks like there is an emotional weight that is being revealed in this area of life. Your friends could be leaning on you more during this time for support or vice versa. Chiron is trying to help you keep the focus on more fun and enjoyment and your social groups might really count on you to be that individual right now. On the other hand, it may be unbearable to be among your current social group and you may decide to cut off your connection with them once and for all. You also could be on the verge of ending an aspiration, dream or goal you once had that sadly has been on the way out for a while now.

Taurus Rising (and Taurus Sun)

For you Taurus, this full moon is occurring in the 10th House of public reputation and career. You could be wrapping up the struggle of figuring out career related matters or maybe you made a career switch within the last two years and now you are finally starting to adjust only to feel a bit unsatisfied with the result of the life changing decision. Take stock of what you learned and don’t blame yourself, Chiron in the 12 speaks to allowing yourself to rest and go with the flow. At this point, you may just need to put your faith and trust a little more in a higher power (God, etc) to help you see the foundations are indeed being built.

Gemini Rising (and Gemini Sun)

Gemini, welcome back to another Hypr’scope! The Aquarius super full moon is occurring in your 9th House of travel, personal philosophy, higher education. This can make you be a bit more pessimistic on your outlook on life right now. There may be some bad news associated with any type of foreign documentation, traveling, immigration, law. It could be an ongoing issue you’ve been dealing with since the pandemic began. Hopefully you’re not reading this trapped in another country trying to get back home, things don’t look to good with situations like this. Look for organizations that can maybe be able to help you with your unique situations.

Cancer Rising (and Cancer Sun)

Hello Cancer! This super full moon in Aquarius is occurring in your 8th house of shared resources and other people’s finances. A full moon in Saturn here can really be karmic, because the 8th House is also death and rebirth. You could be dealing with aging family members, or uncovering a hard truth pertaining to the shared resources of you and another person or some sort of investment. You may have to take responsibility for someone else using your personal resources. Either way, there is a big ending and transformation taking place with a cycle or pattern you’ve been taking responsibility for, maybe even for the past two years.

Leo Rising (and Leo Sun)

What’s up Leo. This full moon is happening in your 7th House of partnerships. Relationships can be a source of emotional stress for you up until the new moon. There could be one relationship in particular that is past the expiration date. The moon is showing you the repercussions of entertaining certain relationships you know you shouldn’t or just the restrictions relationships have on your life overall. The key (Chiron) to fixing this is to realize, you seriously need to start moving in your own direction in life. This may be a difficult relationship or partnership to sever so both parties need to be mature, loving, and understanding as possible because remember, relationships are a reflection of you.

Virgo (and Virgo Rising)

Welcome back to another Hypr’scope Virgo. This Aquarian celestial event happening in your 6th House of chores, work, daily routine, and health. This energy seems to be highlighting something that has been going on damn near every single day, maybe for the past two years. Maybe it’s a debt that just got real…You really wanna break free from whatever these issues are. The moon also signifies the body so stress may start to take a toll on your body. You might decide it might be best STOP WORKING, yes I said it, take a vacation, or a staycation at home while you see a therapist. This full moon is gonna be a little more stern in teaching you more about your wholistic health habits Virgo. Illness often enters our lives through weak mental, emotional and spiritual states.

Libra Rising (and Libra Sun)

Happy…well not so happy full moon Libra but that’s okay, I’ll help you navigate these next two weeks until the new moon. The full moon packs a punch in your 5th house of fun, romance, and children. This energy is literally the hangover. There may be a significant shrinkage in the amount of fun you have now. Like 4C hair shrinkage. You may feel melancholic due to a lack of romance in your life. There could be responsibilities to children weighting you down or you can be growing up and growing out out of a kind of “party phase” that you were all about, realizing the responsibilities you have and the things you need to focus on for the future. I promise, once you do finish the last bit of growing up Saturn is asking you to do, the future looks bright from what I can see here. Oh, and under absolutely no circumstance should you be gambling right now.

Scorpio Rising (and Scorpio Sun)

‘Aight Phoenixblood. So the super full moon in Aquarius shakes up our 4th House of family, ancestry, home, and domestic matters. Family may become a little bit burdensome or there may just be an overwhelming about of responsibility in your home life. It may be an emotional time for you, you may be unsatisfied with the the foundations you’ve laid down if you’ve relocated within the last two years. You may feel like you’ve made zero progress over the past two years in this area of life. You could be thinking of starting fresh somewhere else, only, Saturn is blocking you from cutting corners. There is SOMETHING to be grateful about in your situation, it may difficult to see, but find that, and focus on it like your life depends on it. Don’t think about how far you are from where you wanna be just take small steps every, single, day, that improve your situation, This is how Saturn favours you. You’ll blink and be at the top so just ignore everything else and make sure this time every brick you put down is solid.

Sagittarius (and Sagittarius Sun)

What’s up Sagittarius. So, this full moon event has been activating your 3rd House of communication, early childhood education, short distance travel, and local neighbourhood. Communications with siblings or educators may be a bit challenging and induce a kind of reality check effect. You may be the one that has to deliver this reality check or can be on the receiving end of it. The full moon can also bring awareness to where you truly are mentally with everything that has transpired in the past two years. It almost feels like a delayed reaction is now coming in and you can notice a more gloomy tone in the conversations you have with people. To be honest, this is not the worst full moon transit to have though, there can simply be a completion happening in the way you think, causing you to be more mature, but all you really have to do is continue to fortify your mind and your pretty much golden.

Capricorn Rising (and Capricorn Sun)

Hey Capricorn. So what can you expect from this super full moon in Aquarius happening in your 2nd House? The 2nd house is the house of money and ownership. There could be a process you have undergone for the past two years pertaining to your money and your value system. The full moon could literally bring an end to a source of income and this could be a very stressful situations as Saturn rules your chart. Saturn tends to not take away anything that you’ve put your due diligence towards, so anything foundational will remain, but money could just be tight for the next couple of weeks. With Chiron in the 4th house making the sextile, You may be thinking about ways to work from home to resolve this issue, although it’s possible it could take a while before anything is solidified with your plans for more financial security. Annoying I know, but just take your time and refrain from panicking. You seem to have a good plan. Implement it and the problematic situations will gradually work itself out.

Aquarius Rising (and Aquarius Sun)

The full moon is happening in your sign Aquarius, activating the 1st House of identity, personal matters, the body, the self, and how you perceive and navigate through the world. So what’s new? Literally nothing. The same issues with a different face. But guess what, after this, no more crazy full moons in your sign. (There is a new moon in January 2023, ask me then if that one is crazy) This means, this full moon can literally flip your entire life upside down. Expect surprises with your family, at work, in your relationships, everybody will be showing their face. The next couple of weeks could feel like a protest every single day. Against you, and by you. The good thing is this moon is clearing out everything that has been making you miserable ever since Saturn went into your sign in 2020 but…the caveat is, it just might do that by making you a little miserable first, showing you all the chaotic problematic mess. Even things you least expected to be a problem is like… “Really?…” *blinks…*
I don’t know why that is, Uranian energy is super weird like that, so you tell me, Aquarius.

Pisces Rising (and Pisces Sun)

Welcome to your full moon Hypr’scope Pisces. This full moon at a glance looks alright in your 12 house of rest, spirituality, hidden enemies, collective consciousness, the subconscious, and endings but as you know, this full moon isn’t very nice and the 12th house is a very karmic house with Saturn also ruling karma. So the full moon can enable Saturn to dish out what it needs to uninhibited and accordingly. The full moon can bring things from your past that you thought you got over. It can suddenly cause you to take a trip to the hospital for some random sickness that appears or for an addiction that gets too out of hand. There could be many loose ends from the past two years that could be revealing itself in order for you to completely discard. Saturn can forcefully demand your attention via dreams and synchronicities. Tend to your subconscious, it may not be the prettiest to look at, but don’t let it get any worse than what’s in there now.

Damn…I can almost hear that sobering Saturnian “Winter is coming” whisper at the nape of my neck…


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Nyhir'Vana Rho Ophiuchi

Cosmic Stoic. Silent-ish Protagonist. Ch.1 of my novel "And The Sun Was Falling" available 05/14! Join my Zol'ciety & subscribe on YouTube🪐